I'm mad at the Dems who had power and didn't realize the war we were in. Who didn't enshrine abortion rights when they had the chance.

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Dems have let it all just happen without major pushback. Project 2025 should be a headliine story everyday until the election. It is mindboggling to watch the shit relentlessly hitting the fan.

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Scary as sh#t.

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Who would have ever thought that Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels) could be the one with the most b#lls to put the Orange menace behind bars. I say...you go girl!!!!

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It might not be as easy as it seems. Their thin majorities included Sinema and Manchin and politics is often a strategy of trading favors and sacrificing one objective for another. Remember those justices all testified that Roe was "settled law".

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You're right. I was actually thinking going back years/decades. We didn't realize we were at war.

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To a wingnut, fascism is gays existing, someone poor getting clean water, trump in court.

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Trumps position on abortion, like most anything, is what he thinks the most listening supporters want to hear.

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Jury day is here!! There is a jail cell just down the hall from the courtroom.........go for it Donny.....

don't stop now!!!! LOL!!!!

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